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Sep 6, 1911 Dear beloved neice & nephew and friends. We are well. Hope you are welll. We got your letter. Glad to hear from you and it is all right about that hour if you cant. We were at Sam Sroyer again to help them quilt ??? ??? ??? and a ??? for Mary. ??? ??? hear that Emma Swartzendruber is so sick. ??? ??? Boller she ???. Barbara can tell you all ab out Emma. I feel so bad for her. I will close. Write soon. Love to you, Jacob [?] & ??? Gunden | 0180A.jpg Order Download Original Image
Farmstead | Lynn L Roth All rights reserved

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  0180A.jpg - Sep 6, 1911  Dear beloved neice & nephew and friends.  We are well.  Hope you are welll.  We got your letter.  Glad to hear from you and it is all right about that hour if you cant.  We were at Sam Sroyer again to help them quilt ??? ??? ??? and a ??? for Mary.  ??? ??? hear that Emma Swartzendruber is so sick.  ??? ??? Boller she ???.  Barbara can tell you all ab out Emma. I feel so bad for her. I will close. Write soon.  Love to you, Jacob [?] & ??? Gunden  

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