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Olds School 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade class with Edna Reschly Miss Hudson, teacher 1930c sitting l/r: Gerald Rogers, ???, George Miller, ???, Wanda Roth Brown, ???, Winona Tolander. standing front: Clarence Unkrich, Mary Lillian Unkrich, Maysil [?] Dewitt, stooped down, Roger Canel[?], standing back, Vicky Bergstrom, Mary Evelyn, front standing w/suit ? Leese, behind standing black hat Edna Reschly, front standing boy ???, back standing Arlene Johnson, front standing light dress Marion Palm, end standing Josephine Hultquist. Miss Hudson | 0060.jpg Order Download Original Image
1930 | Lynn L Roth All rights reserved

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  0060.jpg - Olds School   3rd, 4th, & 5th grade class with Edna Reschly  Miss Hudson, teacher  1930c  sitting l/r:  Gerald Rogers, ???, George Miller, ???, Wanda Roth Brown, ???, Winona Tolander.standing front:   Clarence Unkrich, Mary Lillian Unkrich, Maysil [?] Dewitt, stooped down, Roger Canel[?], standing back, Vicky Bergstrom, Mary Evelyn, front standing w/suit ? Leese, behind standing black hat Edna Reschly, front standing boy ???, back standing Arlene Johnson, front standing light dress Marion Palm, end standing Josephine Hultquist.  Miss Hudson  

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