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Please email corrections to: lynn.roth1@gmail.com Relatives and friends may use these images freely for personal use.
To: Miss Katie Swartzendruber, Tuleta, TXfrom: Arthur July 7, 1909 Wellman, IATo Katie Swartzendruber, Tuleta, TXJuly 7, 1909, Be careful don't ??? handle with care. Directions: Hang on a cherrie tree as it is one of the best scare crows on the ??? if you have no cherrie trees hang on a potatoe plant as it is rough on potatos animalsReceived your Postal some time ago and had ought to answered sooner but did not get time. Thanks for that dandy photo postal you sent ??? the lad with me is and ??? kid. was taken ??? ??? River Pisma[?].Rain is the order of the day, since Sunday. Write soon. Arthur | 0789A.jpg Order Download Original Image
Headline: 1909

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  0789A.jpg - To:  Miss Katie Swartzendruber, Tuleta, TXfrom:  Arthur   July 7, 1909  Wellman, IATo Katie Swartzendruber, Tuleta, TXJuly 7, 1909, Be careful don't  ??? handle with care.  Directions:  Hang on a cherrie tree as it is one of the best scare crows on the ??? if you have no cherrie trees hang on a potatoe plant as it is rough on potatos animalsReceived your Postal some time ago and had ought to answered sooner but did not get time.  Thanks for that dandy photo postal you sent ??? the lad with me is and ??? kid.  was taken ??? ??? River Pisma[?].Rain is the order of the day, since Sunday.  Write soon.  Arthur  

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