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Please email corrections to: lynn.roth1@gmail.com Relatives and friends may use these images freely for personal use.
Dear Friend. How are you. I am fine. This is a fine morn-it rained so long Sat and Sun all day so you see I was a good girl and stayed at home last eve ha ha am writing you a letter also. I started it. ??? already and haven't finished it yet. Do you know these gals. ha ha Answer me soon I am as ever your friend. Ruth. | 0186A.jpg Order Download Original Image

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  0186A.jpg - Dear Friend.  How are you. I am fine.  This is a fine morn-it rained so long Sat and Sun all day so you see I was a good girl and stayed at home last eve  ha ha  am writing you a letter also.  I started it.  ??? already and haven't finished it yet.  Do you know these gals.  ha ha  Answer me soon I am as ever your friend.  Ruth.  

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©Lynn L Roth All rights reserved. Please request permission for publication use of these images. Lynn.Roth1@gmail.com